Wednesday, January 26, 2011

365 challenge -- lots & lots & lots {156}

Today's theme ... lots & lots & lots.  Back to my Jackson trip for this shot.  This is just a small sample of what we saw that week, there were over 6500 elk on the refuge and we saw thousands more in other fields around the area.  


  1. really nice shot. Amazing how they are almost all facing the same direction,

  2. This is what photography is for, to show people like me who will never see an Elk herd in the flesh what it means - Thank You so Much, I hope to reciprocate with my Aussie Fauna shots!

  3. This reminds me - we need to schedule our own trip to Jackson before it turns green! Great shot.

  4. What an amazing shot of an elk herd. Lots and lots of beautiful animals.

  5. They are really beautiful against that snow...this is just a fabulous image.

  6. The linear aspect of the composition makes this a winner. It must be amazing to see in person.

  7. I love how you took advantage of their feeding to capture those elk in line formation. Makes for a very interesting shot with their repetitive shapes.

  8. I love going to Jackson and taking the sled out amongst the elk herd. Get to get up so close and personal with them that way.

  9. Ditto what Ron posted, question is, can an elk be identified by its rear end ie like whales all have different tail flukes?
