Monday, March 7, 2011

365 challenge -- green {132}

Today's theme ... green.  Today's theme should really be signs of spring!  With 24 inches of snow still on the lawn I was surprised to see the tulips poking through.  Luckily the snow has started to melt off the flower beds so the tulips and daffodils will get the much needed sun to grow. 


  1. Spring is coming! The spring flowers are growing and the robins are returning. I love this photo.

  2. I love this...the up and coming sprout along with the snow is a wonderful life at it's best!

  3. Yay! I was shocked two weeks ago by the same scene. Snow on the ground, yet they made it through. Glad you are getting to see some "green"

  4. When winter and spring "collide" is a really nice time of year. You have captured it very well.
